Hobbies. Such a simple suggestion, but do we all have one? and is it healthy for us?
As we have been rightfully educated, the leading cause of death for men under 45 is suicide, and one of the main suggestions to keep mentally healthy is having a positive hobby.
'Get a Hobby
Whether it’s cycling, woodworking or playing the tuba, filling your time with meaningful activities other than work will keep your brain at its best.
The Journal of Occupational and Organisational Psychology looked at employed and unemployed participants and found that social leisure activities rather than solitary ones slashed depression and psychological distress. A group activity like five-a-side, for example, is the perfect combination of workout and team building. Score.'
Share with us the hobbies you have - others maybe looking for inspiration.
Don't have one?? What do you want to do and what is stopping you?
Having a hobby your child can enjoy can be extremely valuable to a child's sense of worth and self reliance.
Struggling for inspiration or motivation? Men, don't struggle in silence - Reach Out!
