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ADHD is a pain - literally!
Is the current demand on school counsellors manageable when AuDHD - A reflexive piece.
Does unrecognised ADHD need to be brought into the Counselling Room?
Being Autistic and an Employee: Navigating the working world.
Is is weakness, or silent anger? ASC
Burnout. Exams. Stress management. Neurodiversity awareness
'I didn’t know it’s because I have ADHD'- Insightful information on how ADHD can present.
Dear Teachers - from students
Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2021
ADHD - still seen as a myth and an excuse for ‘poor behaviour’?
Useful Contact Numbers and Helplines for Young people (Including Local Shropshire Specific)
Let's make sure we are living and not just searching for life
Boost your brain power - Using Chocolate
Focus on Love and everything that feels goooooood
Using Your strengths instead of focusing on what you find more challenging
Forgiveness. How it can help.
Get away. Get off the grid! Lets go somewhere quiet.
How to be Thankful
Laughter - and it's amazing affect